This is my C.O.O.L blog! As you go through this blog, you will see my homeworks, books and journals. Enjoy!!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
GeoActive Questions (2)
1. List the main reasons for water scarcity.
The main reasons for water scarcity is that many hot places such as deserts have very low
rainfall, variations in climate, land degradation, population growth and water pollution.
2. What is a drought? What type of hardships do you think that a drought could cause if you were living in a village in a poor country such as Ethiopia?
A drought is a period of below average precipitation. If I was living in a poor country such as
Ethiopia, the hardships I would face is fatal diseases such as cholera.
3. How does land degradation affect the supply of fresh water?
Land degradation can be caused by the excessive destruction of natural vegetation through
deforestation, overgrazing and farming. Then the soil would be not able to store water.
4. (a) What is El Nino?
El Nino is a warming that develops every three to five years in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of
Peru. During El Nino, the moist easterly trade winds that normally blow across the Pacific Ocean
reverse their direction.
(b) Why does El Nino often cause drought in Australia?
El Nino often cause drought in Australia because of the reversal of air pressure across the Pacific, resulting in high pressure systems building up over most of Australia.
5. Observe the map showing the global effects of El Nino in 1982-83.
(a) What effects does El Nino have on the availability of fresh water?
There can be period of heavy rain through the west coast of South America which would cause severe flooding. Water will be polluted and only a little bit of clean water is available.
(b) Name the countries and describe the problems that arose from decreased rainfall caused by El Nino.
Africa: Reduced corn crop in sub-Saharan region
China: Agricultural land under threat from drought in northern regions and flooding in southern regions
United States: Rainfall above normal in north-western states (double the historical averages)
Indonesia: High air pollution levels, following forest fires
Philippines: Lower rice harvest following drought
Colombia: Fishing operators affected by lower catch (down 20%)
Papua New Guinea: Drought-related failure of food crops, leading to famine conditions requiring food aid
Australia: Wheat exports threatened by drought conditions across grain-growing areas, particularly New South Wales
Peru: 1. Flooding (also in Chile) 2. Fishing operators affefcted by lower catch as anchovy and Pacific sardine move offshore to escape warm currents (5 degrees C above normal temperatures)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Bintaro Lama Field Trip
The first station we went to was station 6, where we learned about disinfection. The kind guide there taught and explained to us two ways of cleaning water. The first way she showed us was using a thing called Aquatabs. If we just put 1 or 2 drops of Aquatab in the water, it could clean 30L of water. I think that was very cool, because just a few drops can clean a really big amount of water. They let the Aquatab dissolve, and it doesn't take long to finish this process. Aquatabs are a really efficient way of cleaning water. The seecond way of cleaning water was using a liquid called Air Ramat. You just put about 5ML of liquid inside the water, then you could clean one gallon of water! After putting Air Ramat, you have to shake it for 30 seconds to clean the water.
The next station we went was station 2, where we learned about hygiene. The guide there showed two posters. The first one they showed us was a poster showing how food gets contaminated. They told us that some people in the kampung don't wash their hands after pooing. The bacteria in the feces get on their hands and when they touch food and eat it afterwards, it is likely for them to get a stomachache. The second poster showed 5 ways of how to prevent them. One was washing your hands before touching babies, and one of the ways were also to make a toilet for them.
The last station we went was station 4, where we learned about flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration. First, they put a liquid called PUR in the water which cost RP 1,000. PUR makes the dirt particles stick together and form a floc. The dirt clump settle down to the bottom of the container which is a process called sedimentation. After that, they filter the water by putting in the claypot in the bucket. They cover the claypot's hole by laying a filter cloth. Then they pour the dirty water but the dirty garbage and things don't go past the cloth and stay there. I thought this whole process was very similar to the water treatment plant, but you put alum instead of PUR.
After visiting the Bintaro Lama field trip, I learned some new things about cleaning water. Before, when we visited the water treatment plant, I also learned cool things there but the Bintaro Kampung people taught and explained to us in a very kind way and a very understandable way. I thought the Kampung people were extremely kind to us... and there were some cute boys on the kampung!!!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Who Dun It?

Friday, November 13, 2009
The cat ate my gymsuit

My favourite part of this book was when Marcy and his boyfriend, Joel went to Nancy's party and had a nice time there. Joel asked Marcy if she wanted beer so she said that she wanted to. After the party, Marcy admitted to Joel that she actually didn't like beer but she only drank because everybody else was drinking. She wanted to be like others, not special. What surprised me in this book was when Joel and Marcy went to the party, and I thought they would dance together but Joel said that he was a lousy dancer.
I really liked this book so I would give this book 5/5 stars.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Personal Narrative (The Fearful Elevator)

‘Buzz… Buzz…’ The elevator lights from above twinkled and went dead. It was all dark and very freaky. It felt like the darkest haunted house ever. I could hear wind sounds since it was absolutely silent. I could even hear my breath sounds! It felt like wind coming out from my mouth. At first I thought nothing was going on but as 2 minutes passed, I started getting horrified. I realized it was 8th floor because they still had an orange light on the number 8 key. I almost arrived at 10th floor where my house was. I sat at the edge of the elevator and was scared to death. No… No…
This is how it all happened. ‘Bye!’ I said to my piano teacher. She lived at the same apartment but at 1st floor so I had to go up 9 floors to reach my house at the 10th. ‘Oops…’ I forgot to check my mailbox so I went down to ground floor and checked it. I got the envelope and went in the elevator. I was really exhausted so I decided to sleep at home as soon as I got there. There was nobody else inside the elevator which was good because I could just sit down at the elevator and rest for about 10 seconds until I reach 10th floor. When I was going up, I didn’t know which floor it was and it was just peaceful until… ‘Wham!’ the elevator jittered. I was sure it wasn’t an earthquake because it wouldn’t jitter like this. Suddenly the elevator door opened and I looked down. The space below was vast and blank and I thought I was almost going to die. I went back and had no hope. Then, the light started twinkling.
I waited for 15 minutes. The light twinkled again and it was on! ‘Thank god!’ It was all OK and I was very pleased. The elevator door suddenly opened and I saw the front door of my house straight ahead. I was so exhausted so I slept in my house all day.
GeoActive Questions
Monday, November 9, 2009
Water Treatment Plant

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
The Wind
If you watch this movie, you will see me reading a poem called The Wind.
This is a nice poem because it has rhymes. Hope you enjoy it!!!