This is my C.O.O.L blog! As you go through this blog, you will see my homeworks, books and journals. Enjoy!!!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
I'm going somewhere... FINALLY!
The Story of the World 2 - The Middle Ages

This book is written by an author called Susan Wise Bauer. She is a mom of a child, and she doesn't like her child studying in school so she decided to teach her child history herself. As a result, she made a book about history and this is the one. This book is the easiest history book you could ever find because she wrote this book for a little child. This book was very successfully made, so this book was published, and when I read it, I got into it even though I don't like history books that much. Even though it is a very long book, it tells every little thing that happened in world history very clearly that everyone could understand easily.
'Story of the World 2' starts from the early Middle Age part and ends at the last part of the Middle Age. This book starts with Rome collapsing and getting attacked, it moves to the starting of Britain, moves the the Byzantine Empire, goes to India, Islam, and then moves to the story of Arabian Night. Then, the history is focused on China, Korea, Japan and goes down to Australia. It moves to Europe, France, Spain, Portugal and England again. When the book was almost finished, America starts appearing; about Christopher Colombus, Amerigo Vesepucci, and Ferdinand Magellan. King Martin Luther appears, and it ends with Queen Elizabeth and William Shakespear.
My favourite part of this book is the beggining of this book when Britain appears. In that chapter, it tells the story about Beowolf, and I can bet you know about it. Here is how it goes. The king made a nice place for his servants to sleep and rest. Fire up above the ceiling protected them from fear and nothing bad was happening. One day, a big monster (bigger than two trees combined together) attacked that place and ate a lot of men every night. This monster was so tall that the tallest man only reached to his knee. The King's knights and fighters couldn't handle this problem. A man named Beowolf came to the rescue and said that he wants to fight the monster. When the monster came, he threw away his own armor and swords. He wanted to fight with bare hands. Suddenly, Beowolf stood up and held the monsters' arm. He twisted the monsters arm harder and harder. Then at last, when he twisted so hard, his arm broke and came out. The monster got out of the castle and ran away for his life. I think this story is really good and I read this part over and over.
I think it is a really good book that teaches us history. I learned a lot about this book. Even though I knew some parts of this book already, I learnt more about it clearly. I would give this book 5 stars out of 5 and I recommend this book to everyone. Susan Wise Bauer is a really good author.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
I Know What You Did Last Summer

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Another Fallen Teeth
Monday, December 28, 2009

Friday, December 25, 2009

It is about a man (the guy that is in the middle in the pic) that lost (but didn't pass away) his mom. He wanted to find his mom so he wanted to be famous by being a Korean Ski player in the National Team. When he went to his first training, he met a coach, and 4 other teammates. In the picture, the one who is in the most left is a Middle Schooler, and he was a bit mental, but in ski, there was no age limit, so he decided to be a ski player, but only if someone gets injured in his team. After over 1 year of training, they still slipped and weren't good enough, but they trained every night and day so they became better. They had to participate in the ski World Cup and be in at least 6th place out of 8 to go in the Olympic in Japan. The day before the World Cup, all the ski players met each other. The Korean national team and the American national team fought by punching and kicking. The referees decided to not let Koreans play in the World Cup so they were disqualified. They just watched the other players ski in the TV. Suddenly, there was a bad fog and lots and lots of snow. The World Cup got cancelled so the referees decided to make all teams qualify and go in the Olympic!!! In the ski Olympic, they had two trials. Korea had to go last and this was the first time Korea participated in the ski World Cup. In the first trial, the first person got 130 m so Korea jumped up to 3rd place, where you could get a bronze medal. The second person slipped so they went back to 11th place out of 13. The third person got 128 m so they went up to 6th place. The last person did a good job so they jumped up to 3rd place again. After a rest, there was the second trial. The first person got 136 m so they stayed at 3rd place. The second and third person also did good but the other countries were even better so they went back down to 5th. The last person got injured in the first trial so the mental Middle Schooler had to replace him. He did a good job! He went soooo far but... he FELL! Other people gasped but still cheered for him. Korea went to 13th (last) place and the tournament ended.
I thought this was one of the best movies I've ever seen and the ski players jumping was really cool. I hope I could do that sometime and I really really loved it. YAY!!!! What a GREAT holiday!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The Terrorist

Saturday, December 19, 2009
The first session was volleyball, which was a really fun sport. Merapi first played Bromo, which was not a easy match. They had a really tall and good Korean player, who was at least 20 cm taller than me. We were winning really bad until... the Korean guy served. He made 7 serves in a row, and they overtook us, and they won 16: 14, after going in deuce. We lost our first match so I was disappointed. Next match was Salak. They weren't really good, so we won by about 8. We also won by 5 the next match, which were Rinjani. The last match, we faced Krakatau. We lost 15: 11. They were soooo good, and they came in 2nd place. We came in 4th place, Bromo came 1st, and I'm not sure about Salak and Agung.
After the 15 minute break, I had big ball soccer. This was better than the volleyball, because soccer is my favourite sport. We used the BIG BALL for the soccer ball, and it was really difficult to kick!!! Lots of people fell down, and when I faced Bromo, I got hit with the enormous ball two times in a row. It really hurt. We tied all our games 0:0 so I was disappointed. I almost scored at the first match, because when I scored, the finish whistle blowed 2 seconds ago. Krakatau came first, and we came 4th (I think).
After another break, we headed down to the New Gym, to watch the Student v.s. Teacher basketball game. For the 6th grade, the students won. For the 7th and 8th grade, the students won again!!! I thought this would never happen... but it did! I hope I participated in this, but I forgot to sign up. Then, Mr. Boots told us who won the Madness Cup. "Come on Merapi... Come on!!!" I thought. Well, THAT NEVER HAPPENED.
This is the list...
1. Agung
2. Krakatau
3. Bromo
4. Salak
5. Rinjani
6. MeRaPi!!!!!
We came LAST place. I knew this would happen, because we came 5th place at the Madness 1. Agung got the trophy, but we will definitely win the next Madness!!! Go MERAPI!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
VPA Concert
Thursday, December 10, 2009
10 Picture Definitions

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Flood Buckets
Yesterday morning, we headed down to the Little Theater and heard a lady telling us about the victims of the flood. JIS decided to fill a bucket with items and later give it to the flood victims. As a result, all 6th graders had to make 5 buckets each in one day at lunch time. After Young Woo and I finished lunch, we went to the computer lab and checked our JIS e-mails. Some teachers told us to go to the Bali Stage and fill up the buckets. I THOUGHT it would be boring because it was just filling some items in side the bucket. When we reached the Bali Stage, we started putting items inside the bucket. At first, it was boring for me, and as I started the second bucket, I started to like filling the buckets. As I kept on doing this, I started to get fixated with this job. We had to get to the back of the queue and get items from the box and put it in the bucket. Those items were tiny buckets, kids and adult toothbrush, toothpaste, pink and blue towels, sponge, brush, mosquito repellent and some vitamins. At the end, we had to put the JIS sticker on the side of the big bucket and put it on the Mrs. Marello place. Bali Stage started to swarm more and more. As we finished our 4th bucket, the bell rung and we had to get to SSR. However, we still wanted to do it, so we finished our 5th bucket after the bell! There were still some students and teachers left so I decided to do just one more. I finished my 6th bucket and decided to go back to class. Young Woo wanted to do just ONE more so I agreed with him. As we got the 7th bucket, we thought it was too late, so we gave up and went back to class. One person had to do 5 each, but it was fun for me so I did 6. I think it was a good innovation and I was proud of myself when I finished 6 buckets.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Bill Gates

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christopher Paolini
Recently, I've finished a book called Eragon by Christopher Paolini. A lot of my friends recommended it including Neil, Brandon, and Young Woo, and this book was in the recommended book list. Christopher Paolini wrote this book at the age of 15, and he became a professional writer in high school. This was his debut book and it was pretty good. This book is over a 700 pages so it took me a long~~~ time to read this.
This book is about a 15 year old boy named Eragon. One day, he found a dragon egg in a place called Spine. When a dragon hatched from it, he named it Saphira and it became bigger and bigger every day. He lived with his uncle Garrow and his brother Roran at the age of 17. The evil guy, Galbatorix kills Garrow and his brother Roran left his hometown to marry a girl. Eragon was left alone. As days pass, he becomes friends with a man called Brom, and they take adventures with Saphira. They went to a lot of places like Daret, Therinsford, Yazuac, and lots more. When Brom dies because of the Ra'zac, he meets a guy called Murtagh, who was similar to Brom. He also takes adventure with him and these adventure happen all the way through the book.
My favourite part of this book was when he fights all the bad guys such as the Urgals and Ra'zacs. Eragon learned magic from Brom and he uses these magic to the monsters but the magic is very dangerous so Eragon almost died a lot of times. He killed some Urgals, but the Ra'zacs were pretty strong. They were the one who killed Brom, who was like Eragon's father. Later on in the story, Eragon, Saphira and Murtagh meets the upgrade of the Urgals, the Kull. They are over 8 feet tall and very fat. They win in the fight, though. I really liked the part when Eragon fought all those monsters. My another favourite part of this story was when Eragon sparres with his masters, Brom and Murtagh. Brom was pretty easy to spar so Eragon kind of won, but Murtagh wasn't easy. For both Eragon and Murtagh, they couldn't have an adventage and they both said that they haven't sparred someone stronger than them.
I would give this book 5/5 stars. I would recommend this book to everyone of my friends.
Fallen Tooth
I really don't like taking my teeth off and I think it hurts when that happens. About 1 month ago, my back teeth started shaking a little bit and this was the first time my back teeth started shaking. I was scared since then, because I didn't want to take my teeth off. There would be blood all over my mouth. One day, I was eating a nut. I chewed the nut with my shaking teeth accidentaly so it started hurting more and more, and it eventually shook a lot. It was almost going to fall off. As time passed, I started to get more scared and scared. It was last night when the teeth fell off. It was 11:00 p.m. I was still reading the book 'Eragon' and I wanted to have a break so my mom gave me a piece of bread. While I was chewing the bread with the unshaking teeth, I felt something hard inside my mouth. When i opened my mouth and took the hard thing off, I realized it was my teeth. Fortuitiously, it didn't hurt a lot. Acutally, I was going to tell my mom to take it off after I ate my bread but luckily, it came off without any pain. I went to the bathroom to wash my mouth and take all the blood out. There was a lot of blood but it didn't hurt so I could manage that. I also washed my fallen teeth for fun. Next morning, I showed it to my dad and he laughed because he thought it was funny that it came off while I was eating just a piece of bread.