This book is about five teenagers; Julie, Helen, Barry, Ray and Collie. There is another teenager called Bud, but he doesn't appear a lot during this book... except for at the last part. Julie used to go out with Ray and broke up so she is going out with Bud. Barry and Helen are going out together, and Helen likes Bud really much. They are all good friends. On one morning, Julie got a note called 'I know what you did last summer' and Ray got a email which said the same thing. One day, when Barry was driving with Julie, Helen, and Ray, they killed a little young boy called Davy by a car accident. Ray called a police and reported it. They were all scared that they would get caught so they just went to their house and left the killed boy with no supervision. Helen meets a boy called Collie and realized that he was a nice kind boy.
It was just a normal night. Barry was in front of the stadium. There was a bright light in front of him, and after a few seconds, there was a gunshot, and Barry got a bad injury in his spine. He was moved to the hospital and had to stay there for a long time. Helen was absolutely shocked, and she sent flowers to her. Julie also was shocked so she sent a bunch of yellow roses. Julie and Ray tried to find out the connection of Barry's shot, the note, and the little kid's death. They thought that one of Davy's family wanted to seek revenge and shot Barry. They were keep wondering Barry's shooter and tried to discover about all of this. While Barry was in the hospital, Ray visited him and asked about this shooting thing. He said that it was just a robbery because his 50$ was gone after he got shot. Ray was relieved by this news and told everyone else. Everyone was relieved.
One day, when Helen came back to her house after she swam, she realized that Collie was sitting on her purple chair. He said that he was the one who shot Barry, sent those letters and did all those bad things. He said that Davy was his half brother so he wanted to do revenge and kill Barry, Ray, Julie, and Helen. Helen was scared so she wanted to jump out of the window but Collie blocked her. She went to the bathroom and locked the door. She was very scared so she just jumped out of the bathroom window.
After a few hours, Julie had a date with Bud at the evening. When Bud came to her house, Bud made Julie come to the car and he wanted to talk to her. He then said that he was Collie and he disguised himself as Bud as well. He said that he pretended to be two person at the same time. He also said that he was Davy's brother and he also wanted to do revenge. He even knew that Julie sent flowers to Barry. Julie was scared. She knew that Bud would kill her. After a while, Ray came to help Julie. Bud was gone and he said that Bud attacked her for no reason. This book ends while Julie talks to Ray and hugs each other.
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