One day, a old woman was hit by a baseball while she was passing by. She died immediately and Monk, his assistant Natalie and 2 other detectives came to solve this problem. Then, when the detective went to her house, there was a voodoo dall that was packaged. In the package, it said that it was sent 3 days ago before this baseball incident. The doll looked like the old woman, and it had a baseball that was stuck on the dolls head. Monk and the other detectives tried to solve this crime case, and right after this one, there was a newspaper article that said that a lightning killed a golfer. In the golfer's house, there was another doll sent which said 3 days ago and had a wire lightning sticking out of top of his head. It was a voodoo doll, and Monk's assistant Natalie thought that it was the Voodoo's curse, and she believed it. There were some more incidents that was similar to this, and one of them was Mr. Robert, Angeline's uncle's case. Mr. Robert already had a heart disease, and one day he died of heart attack in his house and there was a voodoo doll on the desk with the heart taken off. Angeline said that the doll killed him. After that, a similar case happened to Monk's assistant, Natalie. A voodoo doll was sent with Natalie's name on it and the head cut off. Natalie got really scared, and couldn't sleep. Because of that reason, Monk calls Mr. Reverend to uncurse Natalie. He makes a potion with all the weird ingredients and when he was saying something, Natalie became unpatient and drank the potion right away even though she was supposed to rub it on her neck. Mr. Reverend called 911 right away and the paramedic and police came. When the paramedic got on the ambulance with Natalie alone, Mr. Reverend and Monk rode a seperate car behind. Then, Mr. Reverend found everything out. He knew that Angeline was one of Mr. Reverend's Voodoo doll custemers. Angeline mailed a package to herself, makes the dolls, and put it in the package. She makes a package that says that it was sent 3 days ago, and mails it to the victims house after she gets the keys of the house. She also killed her uncle Mr. Robert by putting drugs into his mouth and she knew exactly what to put because she was a paramedic. Then in the ambulance, Angeline and Natalie started fighting, until Monk and Mr. Reverend comes out of the truck and opens the ambulance door.
Good job explaining the episode, Si Won. and nice pic (same 1 that i used) i really like this TV show. Have u seen THE CLOSURE?
- InuKag4evr
No... i haven't
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