For 3 days, heavy rain struck the land of Taiwan continously. With those continuous rain, it caused a dangerous typhoon called Typhoon Morokat. This Typhoon killed about 500 people and damaged lots of builidings and houses/villages. Mudslides from the mountain killed a lot of people and also the flooding or tsnami made the damage worse. Taiwan was absolutely destructed by those natural disasters.
You've chosen a good graphic, Si Won, and explained it pretty well. Remember the learning goals- 1) how the environment itself contributes to disasters, and 2) how people living in the environment can impact the amount of damage is done. We will do more of this study this semester through our mapping unit.
Nice eplanation on Typhoon Morakat about the mudslide. You have a really nice picture of the damage done on typhoon Morakat. Very organized, though there are some errors.
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