The main character Bud, lived in an orphanage. One day, one of the caseworkers came in the orphange and arranged a foster home for him. He had to live with the boy named Todd Amos and his parents. His family treated him badly by hitting him and making him injured. He runs away from their house even though he was locked inside (by breaking out from the window). He meets a man who became his friend and his name was Lefty Lewis. He stayed with him for a few days and went off to a place called Grand Rapids to look for his father (Herman E. Calloway) who didn't die. He realizes that Herman owns a band with few of his band mates, Miss Thomas, Steady Eddie, and lots more. When he told Herman his mother's name (Angela Janet), Herman realizes that Angela is Herman's daughter-- which meant that Herman is Bud's grandfather. This was the most astonishing part for me. This story ends up by Herman's band mates giving Bud a saxaphone which sounded great and made him join the band.
My favourite part of this book was when Bud pouring a hot water at the bully boy, Todd Amos at his pajama pants to make it seem that he wet his pants when he was sleeping. It was quite funny and I almost laughed as I was reading this part. I felt very enjoyable that Bud did a nice revenge on Todd who hit him to death until he was bleeding. Well, I have another favourite part: It was when Bud and Herman realizes that they are a relative. I felt seriously surprised at this part and read it over and over because it was not what I expected.
I think this book is called Bud, not Buddy because when Bud was young, his mother told him to never let anyone call him Buddy because Buddy is a dog's name or a name that someone's going to use when they're being false-friendly. His mother named him bud because bud is a flower and a little fist of love waiting to unfold and be seen by the world.
I would give this book 10 out of 9 which means it's still a great book.
Yes, Bud's mother was very particular about him not being called Buddy, eh? This turned out quite well for Bud, as he ends up on his own so much. You liked the place where it talked about his name. Yes this was sweet.
My favorite part was when he got in the police car and locked the policeman out...then took off trying to drive the car! Too cute.
Yeah... That part was fun too and actually I think it's not a policeman... it's just a kind man called Mr. Lewis but Bud thought he was a vampire because there was human blood on the car. ^.^
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